Our work so far

How we developed our proposals

Our work since our first, non-statutory consultation in 2022

We've been carrying out assessments across a range of areas to better understand the area we could work in and the potential impacts of the Mona Offshore Wind Project. This includes work to better understand the proposed design of the project and how it could be constructed. We've provided an overview of some of the other work we've been undertaking.

Please note that the information provided is by no means exhaustive or fully representative of all the work we've done. More detailed information about all the assessments we've carried out and the subsequent results can be found in our PEIR.


To support the statutory consultation, we published a PEIR. This is a statutory requirement of the DCO process and provides the preliminary findings of our environmental assessments, including the likely environmental effects of the project and how they could be mitigated.

We are now using feedback from the consultation, alongside further technical work, to help us to refine our plans and develop our Environmental Statement, which will form an important part of our DCO application.

Environmental considerations

The Mona Offshore Wind Project will bring positive long-term environmental benefits by producing energy to provide homes with renewable energy. We realise, however, that any major infrastructure development can create short-term impacts and it's important that these impacts are identified, managed, minimised or, if possible, avoided.

In May 2022 we published a Scoping Report which set out what we understood, at the time, to be the project's likely effects upon the environment and how we would assess them.

Our Scoping Report was followed by the Secretary of State's Scoping Opinion, which was provided in June 2022. Our Scoping Report is available to read here.

Since receipt of the Scoping Opinion, we have been carrying out a range of environmental assessments to better understand the potential impacts of the project. We have also engaged with statutory bodies, including the Marine Maritime Organisation, to understand in greater detail the area that we're proposing to work in.

In chapter 5 of our PEIR we have set out how we have addressed comments included in the Scoping Opinion.