How offshore wind farms work
What are wind turbine generators?
For more information on the likely design of the wind turbine generators for Mona Offshore Wind Project, please see Volume 1, Chapter 3: Project Description, of the Environmental Statement here.

Indicative diagram of what a typical wind turbine generator could look like. Actual design may differ.
What are Offshore Substation Platforms (OSPs)?
These are fixed structures that would be located within the wind farm site. The purpose of these structures is to convert the power from the wind turbine generators into a form ready to be transferred to shore.

Indicative image of what a typical OSP could look like. Actual design may differ.
What are inter-connector cables?
These are electrical cables that link one or more OSPs.
What are inter-array cables?
These are cables that link the wind turbine generators to each other and the OSPs.
What are offshore export cables?
These are cables that transfer electricity from OSPs to the shore.
The PEIR contains a series of visualisation diagrams which show what the wind farm could look like from various points. You can find them in the Seascape, Landscape and Visual Resources chapter as well as the Volume 6 Annexes below:
Volume 2, Chapter 8: Seascape and visual resources Volume 6, Annex 8.6: Seascape visualisations Part 1 (Figures 1.1 - 9.3) Volume 6, Annex 8.6: Seascape visualisations Part 2 (Figures 9.4 - 17.1) Volume 6, Annex 8.6: Seascape visualisations Part 3 (Figures 18.1 - 27.2) Volume 6, Annex 8.6: Seascape visualisations Part 4 (Figures 28.1 - 32.2) Volume 6, Annex 8.6: Seascape visualisations Part 5 (Figures 33.1 - 38.3) Volume 6, Annex 8.6: Seascape visualisations Part 6 (Figures 38.4 - 46.2) Volume 6, Annex 8.6: Seascape visualisations Part 7 (Figures 47- 56)